Superlative Legal Representation

The law office of Alex D. Guerrero

Personal Injury + Employment Law


Our Mission

The Law Office of Alex D. Guerrero was founded upon the premise that everyone deserves superlative legal representation.  Large corporations and insurance companies spare no expense when it comes to trying to avoid paying for the harm they cause.  That includes wrongfully denying insurance claims, making low-ball settlement offers, and spending a fortune on legal defense teams in the hope of making the legal process so expensive and difficult that the average person will just give up.

The Law Office of Alex D. Guerrero exists in order to level the playing field between the average person and the multi-billion dollar corporations and insurance companies that continue to make huge profits at the expense of everybody else.  Since its founding, our firm has dedicated itself to maximizing recoveries for its clients, and bringing the corporations and insurance companies to their knees in the process.



301 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 600 Pasadena, CA 91101     

P: (818) 964-1994

F: (818) 533-6606